Key Details of the Case
Pocketpair launched Palworld, an exciting open-world adventure game, into early access in early 2024. This game immerses players in a vibrant universe populated by animal-like creatures, which has drawn comparisons to the beloved Pokémon franchise. The game even earned an unofficial nickname—“Pokémon with guns”. In light of these similarities, Nintendo and The Pokémon Company have initiated a lawsuit alleging patent infringement regarding certain gaming concepts used in Palworld.
Notably, in September, they accused Pocketpair of violating three specific Japanese patents and requested ten million yen (about $65,160) in damages.
The dispute centers around three Japanese patents:
→ Patent No. 7545191 – Describes the activation of “rideable characters” that can move through the air when prompted by the player. Palworld features flying mounts, which likely triggered the claim.
→ Patent No. 7493117 – Covers aiming and throwing an item to capture creatures, along with an indicator showing the success rate. Palworld uses a similar mechanic with its “Pal Sphere” and a capture success indicator.
→ Patent No. 7528390 – Relates to combining two actions: aiming a capture device and releasing a captured creature to battle. This mechanic is also present in Palworld during monster fights.